The Bible verse and message in this card is -
People like many things about Christmas –
the gathering together of family and friends; the exchange of cards and gifts; the happiness of the children.
However, is there more to Christmas than this?
Yes, it’s the time of year when we remember and
celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.
The name Jesus means “Saviour”, and although He did many miracles and taught many things, His chief purpose in coming was to pay the penalty for our sins by His sacrificial death for us. Our sins separate us from God, but by His death He opened the way for us to have our sins forgiven and to come into a right relationship with God, our loving heavenly Father.
This Christmas let’s consider Him who is,
“the Christ, the Saviour of the world.” John 4:42
With every good wish for Christmas and the New Year
10 Cards - 5” x 5”